Living Colombia’s Essence Through Four Seasons and 9.30 Concept Store Alliance

June 27, 2023,
Bogota (Casa Medina), Colombia

Located right across the street from Four Seasons Casa Medina in Bogotá’s Zona G, 9.30 Concept Store is a space that combines the magical culture of coffee, the heroism of biking, and the sophistication of fashion - three dimensions of Colombian culture that make it innovative, fun, and uniquely local.          

9.30 Concept Store features around 30 novel Colombian fashion brands curated by Pilar Castaño – a well known fashion expert and consultant – in partnership with Karen Moreinis, a brand strategist and smart-shopping coach. These brands show the creativity and talent of Colombian entrepreneurs, exploring and exalting one-of-a-kind features of the region, and contributing to global trends and lifestyles. Among these is Tienda Nairo, the brand of famous champion biker Nairo Quintana, who is launching his sportive clothing concept in 9.30 and debuting as an ambassador of Colombian premium coffee.        

Four Seasons Casa Medina guests can take full advantage of this treat at any time during their stay by booking a personal appointment with Pilar Castaño and her knowledgeable guidance. In her words, this is what the 9.30 experience is all about:

What is the force and charm of fashion to unite in a unique experience gastronomy, culture, art, and overall the identity of a whole country?

As in the case of gastronomy and art, fashion is one of the most important points of reference that a country can have. It’s a way of understanding the personality of a nation. Is it extroverted? Colourful? Intellectual? Musical? Joyful? How do women and men dress up? Fashion reflects but also provokes social changes and cultural evolution.

What do the Colombian fashion brands that make part of this project share? What makes them unique?

Colombian fashion makes a difference in the world because it’s fully charged with identity, magical realism, playfulness, and ancestral meaning at the same time, given that it reminds us of pre-Hispanic times and our ancestors’ symbolism. Fashion-wise, one of our main strengths is an expertise in textiles. Therefore, all this work is characterized by its stamped aesthetic that represents biodiversity, our digital print. Birds, palmiers, dozens of tree leaves, and all sorts of shapes are inspired by nature and our people.

How would you describe the unique experience that Four Seasons guests will live under your care, expertise, and great company?

I have always considered that we should use fashion in our favour. As a tool to represent any role we choose to represent our personality. My personalized advice, the “one to one” experience I offer, adds an exclusive value to the Four Seasons experience as a whole. As we are located half a block away from Casa Medina, we can schedule an appointment with every guest interested. Inspired by the aroma and exquisite flavour of Colombian coffee, I will provide an unforgettable tour through the work of the best Colombian fashion designers (some of them still mostly unknown!), that will leave a beautiful imprint of the country and its identity in their mind.

What makes this alliance between Four Seasons Casa Medina and 9.30 Concept Store so special?

A unique approach to a common task on both parts. Casa Medina makes guests feel at home, in the hands of the best team and in such a luxurious hotel. This same spirit of authentic hospitality is what drives 9.30 Concept Store, where guests will find both fashionable clothing and service as in no other artistic shopping space.

But why 9.30?!

Several medical studies show that levels of cortisol, a hormone that helps us get up in the mornings, drop down around 9:30 am. Taking a break at that time in this concept store is just a delightful, healthy, and creative idea. A careful selection of high quality coffees from different regions of Colombia has been possible thanks to a group of entrepreneurs that share a passion for coffee and interest in fair trade and sustainable value chains. Marcela Giraldo, CCO, and Wilber Jiménez, CEO of the company, set as a goal to understand the coffee business’ dynamics to potentialize the precious work of growers and producers. At the store, chef John Crisóstomo complements this gourmet selection with culinary creations that honour local unique products and flavours.

To wrap up this pleasant experience with Colombian soul, the store showcases home accessories, jewellery, photos, handicraft objects, and music for shoppers to take as a souvenir.              




Carlos García
Cra 7 No. 69A-22
Bogotá DC,