Walk Out Taller? Well, At Least Happier

August 2, 2017,
Bali, Indonesia
 AntiGravity Yoga at Four Seasons Bali
Four Seasons Bali AntiGravity Yoga
 AntiGravity Yoga in Jambaran Bay & Sayan Four Seasons

Yoga is renowned for its contribution to physical, spiritual and mental health. But what about AntiGravity or "flying" yoga? It’s easier than it looks, and it turns out bats have the right idea; hanging upside down provides unique benefits. Laughter is just one reason to try AntiGravity yoga at Four Seasons Resort Bali at Sayan and AntiGravity yoga at Four Seasons Resort Bali at Jimbaran Bay:

  • Tall Story? Hanging upside down with the hammock supporting the base of your spine helps to lengthens ligaments, ease tension in the spinal cord and hip joint, and stretch out your entire spinal column. Some people claim to walk out taller. AntiGravity yoga can also help to treat back spasms, scoliosis and herniated discs.
  • ‘Cause I’m Happy: The upside-down inside-out postures get your adrenaline going and emit natural "happy" hormones such as serotonin, endorphins, oxytocin and dopamine, which boost mood and increase energy.
  • Invincibility: The increased blood circulation helps to combat stress and get the creative juices flowing. No matter what lands on your plate today, you can handle it!
  • Free Spirit: As you sway and fly through the air, you are taken back to a memory of a childhood swing. Joy and optimism are therapeutic and encourage mindfulness.
  • Nature’s Facial: All that blood to your head gives a boost to your facial skin, leaving you with a natural radiance and more balanced skin tone. With regular practice, the aesthetic benefits may also subtly reduce the appearance of varicose veins and fine lines.
  • Safety First: With the help of gravity and the support of your hammock, you will relieve tension easier and achieve a deeper stretch with less risk of injury. AntiGravity yoga is safe for all levels and provides a low-impact cardio workout to boost flexibility, balance and muscular strength without pressuring the joints.
  • Remember The Time: It strengthens neural connections and builds memory power. So in a way, it can make you smarter. At least, that’s what I think they told me …
  • Antitoxic: The use of the hammock provides a natural massage to your lower back and stomach, and combined with the increased blood flow, this helps improve the function of the digestive system. Tackle constipation and indigestion, and detoxify the circulatory and lymphatic systems.
  • Do Sweat It: The low-impact cardiovascular workout helps to reactivate your inner organs, combat cholesterol and promote overall wellbeing.
  • Fun! Possibly the only yoga class that has you laughing and chatting with others during the class.
  • Deep Sleep Tonight: The boost in circulation and the release of all of those happy hormones is energising.Then the mind gratefully stills and relaxes as your AntiGravity yoga master finishes the dynamic practice with a mid-air nap cocooned inside your hammock. Bliss!

Camilla Chiam
Senior Director of Public Relations and Communications

Jimbaran, 80361
Adrian Pardede
Assistant Director of Public Relations and Communications

Jimbaran, 80361