Four Seasons Resort Tamarindo, México is situated on more than 3,000 acres (more than 1,220 hectares) of a private natural reserve. Committed to respecting the jungle’s natural rhythms and protecting its wildlife, the Resort's rewilding efforts include reforestation, a Discovery Centre and a dedicated team of biologists and conservationists on site.
The Reserve is home to more than 70 endemic species including the Citreoline Trogon, an important seed disperser; the Collared-Forest Falcon, an unusual falcon that sings; Squirrel Cuckoos with beautiful red-cinnamon-coloured feathers; and White-Throated Magpie-Jays that have white-blue bodies with a white chest and incredible long blue tails. The Tescalame, also found on the Reserve, is a tree that grows horizontally and produces a unique set of roots and branches. Four Seasons Resort Tamarindo, México has two main seasons: dry season (November-May) and wet season (June-October). The result of these two dramatically different seasons is a jungle that lends itself to two different types of vegetation – tropical deciduous forest characterized by trees and shrubs that lose leaf cover and tropical sub-deciduous forest made up of big trees and big shrubs that generally maintain the leaf cover even in the dry season.
The Discovery Centre envisioned by the Resort's ownership is a place where Tamarindo's team of biologists will share their knowledge of the region and its rich biodiversity. The Resort has more than 26 miles (42 kilometres) of hiking trails, perfect for connecting with the indigenous flora and fauna and learning about the local wildlife.
Endemics include but are not limited to:
- Birds: 195 species (13 endemics)
Examples: West Mexican Chachalaca, Lilac-crowned Parrot, San Blas Jay and Sinaloa Wren
- Mammals: 68 species (16 endemics)
Examples: Gray Mouse Opossum, West Mexican Cotton Rat and Buller's Pocket Gopher
- Amphibians: 19 species (11 endemics)
Examples: Smith's Pygmy Robber Frog and Mexican Giant Tree Frog
- Reptiles: 65 species (30 endemics)
Examples: Western Spiny-Tailed Iguana, Clouded Anole, Mexican Spotted Wood Turtle and Jalisco Mud Turtle
To keep guests and visitors connected to the Resort's rewilding efforts, they are encouraged to register and download Naturalista. Naturalista is a platform used around the world to input observations and catalogue endemic species in designated locations. The Resort's Biologist Paco and the Resort team register their observations of flora and fauna from the Reserve and invite others to assist in building a database that identifies all the unique species found within the 3,000+ acres (1,200+ hectares).

La Huerta, Jalisco 48898
Four Seasons Resort Tamarindo, México