Mo is a mushroom on a mission. As the latest in a long line of Planetary Wellbeing pioneers at Four Seasons Resorts Maldives he is – in his own words – “tired of being kept in the dark.”
“We’re the evolution of two decades of earth-friendly initiatives here at Four Seasons Maldives, yet these Four Seasons people hardly ever talk about us, they just get on with it,” bemoans the outspoken oyster mushroom. "That’s why I’m taking a stand as Official Spokesmushroom.”
By “us,” Mo is referring to his fellow 150-strong United Featheration of chickens, ducks and quail; the 100-variety Garden Gang of herbs, vegetables and fruits; the 8,000 or so Orchid Crew and many more unsung island-based heroes.
Every day, some five kilograms (11 pounds) of Mo’s mushroom brethren, along with huge quantities of Garden Gang colleagues, put themselves forward as Zero-Mile Champions. They travel 200 to 400 metres (650-1,300 feet) by bicycle across sandy terrain to numerous on-site restaurants (within the Resort). Once there, they take star turns in a wide range of soups, salads, mains, desserts and drinks.
“It’s a tough job – we don’t ever get to see those who volunteer,” says Mo. “Unlike the lazy show-off orchids - there are 8,000 of those working here yet only 500 of them are ever on duty for a month at a time before taking a six-month break to revitalise; it’s a scandal.”
In the Blu Beach Club kitchen, Mo passes the time between arrival and evening service by chatting with his fellow Zero Mile volunteers. “There’re quite a bit of manhandling and hanging around,” he says, “but you could say it’s our life’s work so we don’t mind.”
Dinner is a taste explosion of signature dishes, packed with island-fresh flavours: Landaa Happy Egg served with local pumpkin cream, seeds and seaweed; White Snapper Carpaccio with Kulafilha leaf, melon and passion fruit; Slow-Cooked Rainbow Runner with cauliflower, dill and roasted lemon.
After dinner, Mo is unavailable for comment. But back in the Mushroom House, his son is not concerned: “If he’s not still in the kitchen he will have gone to the Compost Club to rest and regenerate. We honestly give our all; Four Seasons really should give us more credit."
Watch this space for more on-the-ground updates from the Resorts' Planetary Wellbeing pioneers as they reveal how Four Seasons is doing things differently in the Maldives.
To find out more about Four Seasons Maldives Mushroom and Orchid Houses; Herb Garden; United Featheration; Garden Gang; Biodigest Composting; Turtle Rehabilitation Centres (500+ sea turtle admissions); 8800-frame coral reefscaping project comprising more than half a million coral fragments; manta ray projects (6005 individual mantas identified from 80,000 sightings); Four Seasons Maldives Hospitality Apprenticeship (858 graduates since 2001); Parley-affiliated community recycling projects; solar panels; EarthCheck accreditations; educational presentations; community outreach projects, marine biology internships for local students and much more, please – in the absence of Mo – click here.

Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru